
By: Rohit Kumar
Publisher: Technics Publications
Release Date: July 2019
ISBN: 9781634625722
Torrent Contains: 14 Files, 1 Folders
Course Source:
Video Description
C++ expert Rohit Kumar covers the data structures and algorithms available in C++ in this C++ video series. Learn how to store data effectively as Rohit explains these eight topics:
• C++ Data Structures and Algorithms Introduction. This first topic in this C++ series introduces you to the structures and algorithms available within C++. The various data structures of lists, arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, and graphs are briefly introduced and these structures will be explained in-depth in the coming sessions. Linear and non-linear structures are compared as well.
• C++ Arrays. This second video in this C++ series explains arrays in detail. Follow along with Rohit as he shows you how to create arrays in C++. Operations in arrays are explored and applied, including traversing, inserting, deleting, searching, sorting, and merging.
• C++ Linked Lists. This third video in this C++ series explains linked lists in detail. Follow along with Rohit as he shows you how to create linked lists in C++.
• C++ Stacks. This fourth video in this C++ series explains stacks in detail. Follow along with Rohit as he shows you how to create stacks in C++. Apply the Push, Pop, and Peek operations.
• C++ Queues. This fifth video in this C++ series explains queues in detail. Follow along with Rohit as he shows you how to create queues in C++. Queues and stacks are compared and learn how to apply insertion and deletion operations on queues.
• C++ Strings. This sixth video in this C++ series explains how to work with strings in C++. Follow along with Rohit as he shows you how to create strings in C++. Learn how to apply length, concatenate, compare, and copy functions on strings.
• C++ Sorts. This seventh video in this C++ series explains how to sort in C++. Practice the bubble sort, insertion sort, selection sort, and quick sort.
• C++ Searches. This eighth video in this C++ series explains how to perform searching in C++. Practice both linear and binary search algorithms in C++.
Table of Contents
• C++ Data Structures and Algorithms Introduction 00:06:59
• C++ Arrays 1:15:44
• C++ Linked Lists 00:42:20
• C++ Stacks 00:17:17
• C++ Queues 00:18:38
• C++ Strings 00:15:25
• C++ Sorts 00:53:17
• C++ Searches 00:22:14.
